I had started listening to this podcast around the time I was writing a novel that I had the entire vision for at the beginning and it was only a matter of making it concrete and evoking the vision in a palpable way. The process was immensely challenging and rewarding, and my life circumstances had aligned themselves to the point where nothing really satisfied me but the absolute pursuit of the completion of this project, and anything else I was doing revolved around it. I had stopped reading any literary types of books and as far as my media consumption went, I mostly would listen to Unmistakable Creative podcast, and it was a super steady source of inspiration and ideas for how to keep my project afloat. I felt like I was always in the company of people who had completed impressive projects, they had followed their dreams, and because I had those models around me the ideas of possibility far outweighed any of the fears or notions of limitation. So thank you for helping me out in that way! I did get to completing the novel in a way that I am really happy with.
June 4, 2015 by Sabrina Monarch on Apple Podcasts
Unleash Your Creative Genius with Unmistakable Creative Podcast