I have been both humbled, inspired, and awe struck by the great content that Srini provides. I have literally been binge listening to all of the current and backlog of the podcast everyday. I will often listen to at least one if not two of the podcasts through out my day.
Just by doing a simple search for Julien Smith I stumbled upon this amazing treasure trove of inspiration. I came for Julien and stayed for the awesome. I have been introduced to so many new and amazing people just by listening to Srini's show that I never would've came across prior. It simple has been an act of fate.
Each day I am given thought candy that I can chew on all day long. It has inspired my creative process, my writing abilities, and my outlook on life. There are only a handful of artists and creators that I can say have truly changed my life in a positive way and Unmistakable Creative and Srini are the latest addition. I truly can't recommend it enough.